About Us

The National Customs Agency (hereinafter:NCA) is a legal entity, having its address at Sofia, 47, Georgi S. Rakovski Str.
The National Customs Agency is a centralised administrative structure to the Minister of Finance as the NCA Director General is a second-level budget spending unit upon the budget of the Ministry of Finance.  The NCA budget is formed by budget appropriations and the revenue pursuant to Art. 14 of the Customs Act, to which the NCA is an administrator.
The National Customs Agency is structured in Central Customs Directorate (CCD) and in Territorial Directorates (TDs):

  • Territorial Directorate (TD) Plovdiv Customs,
  • Territorial Directorate (TD) Sofia Customs,
  • Territorial Directorate (TD) Rousse Customs,
  • Territorial Directorate (TD) Varna Customs,
  • Territorial Directorate (TD) Bourgas Customs

The CCD administration is organised in 5 general administration directorates, 7 specialised administration directorates, as well as Inspectorate, Personal Data Protection Official, Security Unit, Information and Network Security unit and Internal Audit Unit.
The NCA total staff number is 3330 job positions, as 630 job positions of them belong to CCD.
The directorates in CCD within their competence shall analyse, prognosticate and offer solutions and measures for uniform application of the EU law and of the national legislation in view of increase in the budget revenue, ensuring safety and security of citizens, protection of the EU financial interests and the national financial interests, protection from unfair and illegal trade and facilitation of legitimate trade.

1. Analyse the data, conditions, factors and mechanisms, defining the successful application of the NCA policy, and recommend measures for its implementation;
2. Analyze the information, received in the respective structure, as they formulate risks, define rules and offer solutions aiming at the efficient implementation of the NCA policy.
The directorates general and the specialised administration directorates in CCD within their competence shall take part in the data and information exchange under the administrative cooperation at national and international level.
The  directorates in CCD within their competence shall take part in the creation of business models of the customs administration’s information systems.
NCA has a logo (sign), which is registered as (trade)mark, as well as a seal with the name and image of the logo.


The NCA officials 

The NCA activity is performed by civil servants and persons under labour relationship.

Within the NCA total staff number, one NCA representative shall be nominated to the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium, to  the World Customs Organisation (WCO)  in Brussels, Belgium, and to the South-Eastern Law Enforcement Center (SELEC), based in Bucharest, Romania.

Officials from CCD and from the territorial directorates, within their competence, shall take part in the working bodies of the European Union, the international organisations and conventions.

The newly-appointed officials in the specialised administration complete a compulsory basic training course in the NCA National Training Centre. 

Customs officials, upon performance of their duties, shall identify themselves with badges. Some of the NCA officials, who occupy positions and workplaces, defined by the Director General, shall wear uniforms while performing their duties.
The uniforms cannot be given to other persons.

The type, material, colour and insignia of the uniforms shall be defined by order of the NCA Director General.

Upon termination of the labour or civil service relationship, the uniform insignia are to be returned.

The customs officials, occupying certain positions, are entitled to wear service weapons and to use them in cases of self-defense and extreme necessity. The customs official is obliged to protect against loss, theft or damage the weapons, assigned to him, as he bears penal and disciplinary liability in the occurrence of extraordinary event. 


Publish date: 17.11.2018 13:26
Last updated: 29.11.2022 17:42
Publish date: 06.03.2019 11:12
Last updated: 18.03.2024 14:33
Publish date: 17.11.2018 13:26
Last updated: 29.11.2022 17:42
Publish date: 06.03.2019 11:12
Last updated: 18.03.2024 14:33
Publish date: 26.05.2016 16:50
Last updated: 18.03.2024 13:36