Nearly 100 kg of narcotic substances were detained by the National Customs Agency during operation "Regul"

Nearly 100 kg of narcotic substances, undeclared currency for about half a million BGN and a large amount of contraband goods were seized by the National Customs Agency during a specialized customs operation with the code name "Regul".
The operation was carried out at the "Kaptain Andreevo" BCP during the period 11.11.2024. – 31.12.2024
During the operation, 98,370 grams of narcotic substances were seized, of which 55,190 grams were marijuana, 24,770 grams cocaine and 18,410 grams methamphetamine. Undeclared funds in the amount of 190,330 euros and 50,000 US dollars with a total BGN equivalent of 465,414 BGN were found. Undeclared 31,140 grams of silver items, as well as contraband 211,770 prescription and sun glasses and frames and 2,990 glasses cases were seized during the control actions. For the detentions, 15 pre-trial proceedings have been initiated according to the inventory of TD Bourgas Customs.
During the operation, a significant increase in seized narcotic substances and detected cases of qualified smuggling and other crimes under the Criminal Code was reported as a result of the improved operational analysis and on-the-spot assessment by the customs officers at Kapitan Andreevo BCP, even in the absence of a risk profile or other risk information. For comparison, during the same period of the previous year, not a single case of smuggling of narcotic substances in the amount of more than 1 kg was found at Kapitan Andreevo BCP.

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